A Great Evening at a Great Indie Bookstore (Who are the Wanderland Writers?)
Recently, The Wanderland Writers have been hosting a myriad of reading events and writing workshops throughout California.

Lately on the ASP page we’ve been posting a lot of events for the Wanderland Writers. Most of these are in California, and generally they are workshops geared toward travel writers. WW put out books as well: anthologies for the most part. Their latest book Wandering in Cuba; Revolution and Beyond features contributions from several writers detailing their adventures on the Island and the traditional Cuban heroes who have helped make the culture so rich.
But who are the Wanderland Writers?
They are the writing and editing team of Joanna Biggar and Linda Watanabe McFerrin.
Joanna Biggar is the author of novel That Paris Year and the upcoming title, Melanie’s Song. She is also a consummate traveler and member of the Society of Women Geographers.
Linda Watanabe is best known for her travel writing which she has done for numerous publications. She is also a poet, a novelist, and a short-fiction writer. Her newest book, Navigating the Divide, is to be the third book is ASP’s Legacy Series. It is being edited by Joanna Biggar.
Together these long-time friends and business partners have been traveling the world and amassing stories like time capsules. Wander Cuba is the result of a wildly successful writing workshop on the island and the many fingerprints of travelers and locals alike detailing an island country that has paid a high price for self-determination: revolution, isolation and hardship.
On Feb. 7, Wanderland Writers gathered at “A Great Good Place for Books” in Oakland, CA; a small bookstore with a large heart and an open hand from owner Kathleen Caldwell to writers, especially locals.
Linda Watanabe McFerrin and Joanna Biggar, both Oaklanders, welcomed writers from their workshop in Cuba to read selections from their new anthology: Wandering in Cuba; Revolution and Beyond. Rum and good conversation were enjoyed by all.