Maryland Lit Review Publishes new Essay by James J. Patterson
Nathan Leslie's excellent Maryland Literary Review publishes James J. Patterson's new essay "Hermes at the Spouter Inn"

Hermes is back in this new personal essay by Bermuda Shorts author James J. Patterson. This time the trickster god dons the countenance of a voluble stranger at the Spouter Inn, a bar in Nantucket, a faded paperback of Jung's Memories, Dreams, Reflections in his hand.
"Hermes is a crazy cat," once said Patterson, "He steals what's been stolen only to put it back; he lies to you only to get you back on track." Read Hermes at the Spouter Inn to find out how Hermes came to the aid of a wayward young Patterson.
The Maryland Literary Review, founded by writer Nathan Leslie, is a new and exciting online literary magazine. Check out the rest of their spring/summer edition here.
Hermes at the Spouter Inn will appear in Junk Shop Window (TBD, Alan Squire Publishing).
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