Elizabeth Hazen Shares Her Tsundoku (Poetry books to Read)
In a new blog post, Elizabeth Hazen shares her tsundoku. Tsundoku is a Japanese word meaning "Acquiring reading materials but letting them pile up in one's home without reading them."

For Christmas, which seems like three lifetimes ago, my parents gave my husband a book of interesting words from around the world*. An engineer who has a soft spot for spoonerisms, puns, and wordplay in every form, he found instant delight in this book. Did you know that Germans have a word for the weight we gain from stress-eating? Kummerspeck. Or that the Scots have a word for that awkward pause when you’ve forgotten the name of the person you’re introducing? Tartle. Among my favorites are the whimsical Swedish smultronställe, a place of wild strawberries; the romantic Italian dormiveglia, the space between sleeping and waking; and the essential Japanese tsundoku, that pile of unread books on my bedside table that grows with each passing month.
Needless to say, I took that book of words from my husband, adding one more to my stack...
Rose Reads | S1 E3 (A Tribute to Stanley Plumly)
Rose Solari’s tribute to the late poet Stanley Plumly. Rose recounts her days as an MFA candidate studying under Stanley Plumly and reads several of his poems, as well as a few of her own written under his mentorship.
James J. Patterson’s Live from the Reading Room episode 2
In this episode of James J. Patterson’s Live from the Reading Room, JJP reads from the old masters, Delacroix and Yeats, as well as from his own work.
Elizabeth Hazen, Steven Leyva, and Dora Malech Virtual Reading and Discussion
The three Baltimore poets come together to read and discuss their work. The virtual hangout is designed to help raise funds for MD Food Bank.