Arlington Literary Journal Publishes New Katherine E. Young Poem "If There is a Hell"
The former Poet Laureate of Arlington's new poem asks and answers the question if there was a hell, what would it look, feel, smell and taste like?
The latest poem by former Arlington Laureate in the Arlington Literary Journal comes direct from the pages of Young's forthcoming collection, Woman Drinking Absinthe. Previously published in Tampa Review, "If There is a Hell" has been making the rounds as a teaser for the collection to come.
Katherine E. Young recently read her poem "Women's Work" for the swearing in of Arlington Board Chair Libby Garvey. To accompany her poem she wrote a short essay, "On Writing an Inaugural Occasional Poem." Although of quite different tenor to "If There is a Hell," "Women's Work" shows a dedicated literary citizen deftly utilizing her platform. Read her essay here.
“Our Favorite Things”: Katherine E. Young and Natalya Sukhonos Discuss New Poetry Collections
Watch or read this alternating interview between poet and translator Katherine E. Young and Natalya Sukhonos both of which release new collections of original poetry this year.
Reuben Jackson Joins WPFW’s “The Sound of Surprise”
Beginning May 1st, Reuben will begin as host of DC radio channel WPFW’s “The Sound of Surprise.” The show runs from 4 to 6pm and Reuben will be alternating every other Sunday with the program’s creator, Larry Appelbaum.
A Book and Its Cover: Rose Solari Reviews Two New Collections of Poetry for WIRoB
Rose Solari’s latest review column for Washington Independent Review of Books tackles two stellar new collections by established small-press poets, Terry Ellen Cross Davis and Dan Beachy-Quick. As with all her reviews, Rose uses a common theme to link the subject matter of the books she is reviewing. This month, she explores how the cover design is mirrored by the poetry and vice versa.