Arlington Literary Journal Publishes New Katherine E. Young Poem "If There is a Hell"
The former Poet Laureate of Arlington's new poem asks and answers the question if there was a hell, what would it look, feel, smell and taste like?
The latest poem by former Arlington Laureate in the Arlington Literary Journal comes direct from the pages of Young's forthcoming collection, Woman Drinking Absinthe. Previously published in Tampa Review, "If There is a Hell" has been making the rounds as a teaser for the collection to come.
Katherine E. Young recently read her poem "Women's Work" for the swearing in of Arlington Board Chair Libby Garvey. To accompany her poem she wrote a short essay, "On Writing an Inaugural Occasional Poem." Although of quite different tenor to "If There is a Hell," "Women's Work" shows a dedicated literary citizen deftly utilizing her platform. Read her essay here.
Mark A. Pritchard Reads from His Novel, “Billy Christmas”
It’s that time of year again. As I’m sure you know. That time of year to rediscover all those things one loves and yet stores in boxes during the sunnier months–ornaments, heirlooms, wax statues, wreaths, and the classics. And although one should not consider Billy Christmas a novel pigeon-held by its festive nature, for it is good any day of the year, (as are the classics!) we are so happy the holiday season is here to give us an opportunity to promote Mark A. Pritchard’s incredible young adult novel.
Grace Cavalieri’s November 2018 Exemplars of Poetry
Every month for the Washington Independent Review of Books, the amazing Maryland Poet Grace Cavalieri, author of Other Voices, Other Lives, does a round-up style review of the best recently released independent books of poetry and books about poetry…
Small Press Week 2018: Tuesday, New Releases 2019!
ASP Autumn 2019 Lineup As ASP has taken 2018 to prepare for a huge 2019 season, let’s take a look at what’s coming up! Linda Watanabe McFerrin: Writer, poet, journalist, […]