Saida Agostini Discusses her New Collection with Paul T Corrigan
Poet, Saida Agostini, goes in-depth with Paul T Corrigan about her new collection Let the Dead in (ASP 2022)
Saida Agostini's new collection, let the dead in, will launch on March 26th, 2022. You can pre-order your copy here. Also, catch her and others at AWP (booth 762), and see her read from her work on March 25th at the Asian Art Initiative (a short walk from AWP). You can follow Saida on Twitter here.
Paul T. Corrigan is a Visiting Assistant Professor of English & Writing at the University of Tampa and the poetry editor for The Tampa Review. He shares his own and other’s work at Teaching & Learning in Higher Ed. and Corrigan Literary Review. You can find him on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Mark A. Pritchard Reads from His Novel, “Billy Christmas”
It’s that time of year again. As I’m sure you know. That time of year to rediscover all those things one loves and yet stores in boxes during the sunnier months–ornaments, heirlooms, wax statues, wreaths, and the classics. And although one should not consider Billy Christmas a novel pigeon-held by its festive nature, for it is good any day of the year, (as are the classics!) we are so happy the holiday season is here to give us an opportunity to promote Mark A. Pritchard’s incredible young adult novel.
Grace Cavalieri’s November 2018 Exemplars of Poetry
Every month for the Washington Independent Review of Books, the amazing Maryland Poet Grace Cavalieri, author of Other Voices, Other Lives, does a round-up style review of the best recently released independent books of poetry and books about poetry…
Small Press Week 2018: Tuesday, New Releases 2019!
ASP Autumn 2019 Lineup As ASP has taken 2018 to prepare for a huge 2019 season, let’s take a look at what’s coming up! Linda Watanabe McFerrin: Writer, poet, journalist, […]