Welcome to the first issue of the ASP Bulletin! We’re kicking off 2020 with excerpts from our 2019-2020 releases, some brand-new content, and our first-ever open submission call. In this Bulletin you will find travel essays from Joanna Biggar and Linda Watanabe McFerrin, poems from Reuben Jackson and Elizabeth Hazen, true stories from Rose Solari and James J. Patterson, and an interview with the incomparable Mark A. Pritchard. We hope you enjoy this first issue of Bulletin.
Alan Squire Publishing’s first call for open submissions will last from Jan 1st-Jan 31st 2020
Don’t Let a Poet Burn Down Your House by Rose Solari
A cautionary holiday tale from ASP co-founder Rose Solari. The one where Rose almost burns down a house during a New Years reading.
An Interview with Mark A. Pritchard
Billy Christmas author, Mark A. Pritchard talks extensively about his writing process and the themes of his book in this ASP interview.
Notes from the Personal Journal of James J. Patterson (On Joanna Biggar)
Through old journal entries, ASP co-founder James J. Patterson describes his experience taking a class under author Joanna Biggar.
Escaping the Fat Man by Joanna Biggar
In this essay, Joanna Biggar details her and her companion’s jailing at the hands of a corrupt local leader in Gao, Mali.
2 Poems by Reuben Jackson
Reuben Jackson tackles waltz form in these two poems.
Shanghaied By The Past by Linda Watanabe McFerrin
An essay by Linda Watanabe McFerrin that examines the changing face of China’s most colorful city.
Love Poem by Elizabeth Hazen
Love Poem by Elizabeth Hazen will appear in her forthcoming book, Girls Like Us (ASP 2020)