A Small Press With Big Ideas
Elizabeth Hazen will be reading from her new book Girls Like Us at the [virtual] Ragged Edge Coffee Shop.
From RE:
Please join us for the First Friday poetry reading on June 5, 2020 at 7 PM.
As we did in May, we will be holding the poetry reading on Zoom. See below at the end of this email for the Zoom linking information.
Zoom link information
Meeting ID: 974-688-30619
Join URL: https://zoom.us/j/97468830619?pwd=bDZRaHV0TkV2QmZweXdHOTB0RXlydz09
Meeting password: poetry
We will have an open mic for the first part of the reading and then our featured reader, Elizabeth Hazen. To be included in the open mic simply tell us in the chat that you wish to read. We will start with one poem each and see how the time goes.