Book Blogger Laudes the “Concise and Thoughtful” Poetry of Hazen’s “Girls Like Us”
In their latest review, the book blogger known as "Literary Feline" had only glowing things to say about Elizabeth Hazen's newest collection of poems, Girls Like Us.
"This was my first experience reading Elizabeth Hazen's poetry, and I was immediately taken with the poet's concise and thoughtful prose. I liked how multi-faceted her poetry is in terms of the different directions she takes it and is able to capture ideas and memories in a real and personal way. I think many women will see themselves in her poems"
Read the full review over on their blog HERE
Buy Girls Like Us during our half-price promotion HERE
Grace Cavalieri’s February 2019 Exemplars of Poetry
Every month for the Washington Independent Review of Books, the Maryland Poet Laureate, Grace Cavalieri, author of Other Voices, Other Lives, does a round-up style review of the best recently released independent books of poetry and books about poetry.
February 2019’s review features 8 books ranging from exciting newcomer, Sam Ross, to long-dead literary stalwart, Charles Bukowski (whose new collection, edited and compiled by Abel Debritto, is titles On Drinking)
Throwback Thursday: James J. Patterson’s “Jesse Lancaster Remembers”
Throw Back Thursday: James J. Patterson’s “Jesse Lancaster Remembers” One of Patterson’s most intimate and psycological scenes is featured today on ASP’s Throwback Thursday. But it is a deviation from […]
A Great Evening at a Great Indie Bookstore (Who are the Wanderland Writers?)
Their latest book Wandering in Cuba; Revolution and Beyond features contributions from several writers detailing their adventures on the Island and the traditional Cuban heroes who have helped make the culture so rich.