Selected Lucille Clifton and Henry Taylor Reviewed by Rose Solari
This edition of Solari's review column for The Washington Independent Review of Books tackles new selected editions of the poetry of Lucille Clifton and Henry Taylor
In her latest review column, Rose Solari tackles the selected poetry of two stalwarts of American letters, Lucille Clifton and Henry Taylor. Solari looks at the continuing legacy of the late Clifton and a Taylor who has chosen the Winnebago over the academy.
Rose Solari keeps a regular poetry review column on The Washington Independent Review of Books' website. Last month she reviewed four new books of poetry from independent presses which explore the theme of "challenge and ambition." Check out more reviews by Solari here.
Rose Solari is the author of three full-length collections of poetry, The Last Girl, Orpheus in the Park, and Difficult Weather; the one-act play “Looking for Guenevere”; and the novel A Secret Woman. She has lectured and taught writing workshops at many institutions, including the University of Maryland, College Park; St. John’s College, Annapolis, Maryland; and the University of Oxford’s Centre for Creative Writing in Oxford, England. Her awards include the Randall Jarrell Poetry Prize, an EMMA award for excellence in journalism, and multiple grants. In 2010, she co-founded Alan Squire Publishing, a small press with big ideas.
Tim Cahill calls ‘Navigating the Divide’ the “Most Rewarding Book I’ve Read This Year”
Learn what famed travel writer, Tim Cahill, has to say about Linda Watanabe McFerrin’s new ASP Legacy Book, “Navigating the Divide.”
Joanna Biggar Reveals the Heart’s Center of her Newest Novel
After 2015’s That Paris Year which followed a group of young women on their year-abroad at the Sorbonne—their youthful flings as well as their many rites of adulthood— Joanna Biggar is bringing its spiritual sequel Melanie’s Song overseas to her own hometown in the United States. Set in Califonia amid the cultural revolution of the late 60s early 70s, Melanie’s Song, while not a direct sequel to That Paris Year shares many of its characters and its familiar, lavish lyrical style. In MS, J.J., the protagonist of That Paris Year, a young reporter, is on a quest to find her missing friend, Melanie (the archetypal shy scholarly type and another character from TPY) who fled her marriage to a straight-laced classical musician in order to hitch-hike to Woodstock and San Francisco.
What Does Patricia Bracewell Have to Say about “Melanie’s Song”?
What does bestselling historical fiction author, Patricia Bracewell, think of Joanna Biggar’s latest novel, “Melanie’s Song”?