Arlington Literary Journal Publishes New Katherine E. Young Poem "If There is a Hell"
The former Poet Laureate of Arlington's new poem asks and answers the question if there was a hell, what would it look, feel, smell and taste like?
The latest poem by former Arlington Laureate in the Arlington Literary Journal comes direct from the pages of Young's forthcoming collection, Woman Drinking Absinthe. Previously published in Tampa Review, "If There is a Hell" has been making the rounds as a teaser for the collection to come.
Katherine E. Young recently read her poem "Women's Work" for the swearing in of Arlington Board Chair Libby Garvey. To accompany her poem she wrote a short essay, "On Writing an Inaugural Occasional Poem." Although of quite different tenor to "If There is a Hell," "Women's Work" shows a dedicated literary citizen deftly utilizing her platform. Read her essay here.
Episode 15 of LFTRR Examines Kickass Female Characters in Three Novels
James J. Patterson extends his string of excellent episodes concerning women writers of literature. On this, the fifteenth(!) episode of LFTRR, he looks at three contemporary novels dear to his heart, all of which feature strong-willed female characters.
Elizabeth Hazen on (Blog) Tour: A Look Back at GIRLS LIKE US Blog Tour
Blog Tours have become a necessity for many in the age of C19. A look back at Elizabeth Hazen’s blog tour for her recent collection “Girls Like Us.”
Rose Solari Opens up about Publishing and Writing in the era of COVID 19
Kathy Rampsberger conducts this honest and intimate interview with Rose Solari, covering topics in art and publishing which are relevnt to now.