ASP Staff

Editor and Co-Founder
Rose Solari
Rose Solari is the author of three full-length collections of poetry, The Last Girl, Orpheus in the Park, and Difficult Weather (re-issued by ASP in 2014); the one-act play, Looking for Guenevere; and the novel, A Secret Woman. She has lectured and taught writing workshops at many institutions, including the University of Maryland, St. John’s College, Annapolis, The Jung Society of Washington, and the Centre for Creative Writing at Oxford University’s Kellogg College in Oxford, England. Her work as a journalist includes numerous free lance assignments, as well as positions as staff writer and editor for SportsFan Magazine and Common Boundary Magazine. Her awards include the Randall Jarrell Poetry Prize, The Columbia Book Award, and an EMMA for excellence in journalism. She is currently a member of the Advisory Panel for the Centre for Creative Writing at Oxford University’s Kellogg College.

CEO and Co-Founder
James J. Patterson
James J. Patterson was born in Washington, DC, five days before Nixon’s infamous “Checkers Speech.” He’s been lurking about in what he calls “The Capital of the Empire” ever since. As “Jimmy Pheromone” he crisscrossed north America 200 nights a year, writing and performing songs with the satirical art-folk duo, The Pheromones, playing what they called “Pop-Relevant Cabaret.” The ‘Mones were famous the world over for songs such as Yuppie Drone, Grace In The World, This Speech Is Free, and The Galactic Funny Farm. Patterson was the founder and publisher of SportsFan Magazine for ten years, reporting on and fighting for the rights of sports fans everywhere. Today he’s that friendly fellow sitting next to you on the subway, or at the ball game, or by the bar, ready to strike up a conversation. He wants to hear a story. Tell him a good one. He might just write it down.

Associate Editor and Advertising Coordinator
Hannah Grieco
Hannah Grieco is a writer, editor, and teacher in Washington, DC. Her work can be found in a variety of literary and freelance publications, including The Washington Post, Al Jazeera, The Rumpus, and Passages North. Her writing has been nominated for The Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net, Best Small Fictions, and Best Microfiction, and has been selected for the Wigleaf Top 50. In addition to being an editor at Alan Squire, she is the editor of the anthology "And If That Mockingbird Don’t Sing: Parenting Stories Gone Speculative" from Alternating Current Press (January 2022). Find her online at and on Twitter @writesloud.

Associate Editor and Event Coordinator
Elizabeth Hazen
Elizabeth Hazen is a poet and essayist. She taught high school and middle school English for twenty years. Currently she works at an independent bookstore. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Best American Poetry, EPOCH, The Threepenny Review, Shenandoah, Southwest Review, and other journals. She has published two collections of poetry with Alan Squire Publishing, Chaos Theories (2016) and Girls Like Us (2020). She lives in Baltimore with her family.

Artist and Designer (books)
Randy Stanard
Randy Stanard has been making visual art for as long as he can remember. Having studied
drawing, painting, and animation, he came to graphic design in the 1990s. He has designed
many websites and logos, and created original art for a variety of businesses, from online casinos to real estate companies, from restaurants to magazines. Randy first worked with James and Rose at SportsFan Magazine, improving the look and feel of the website.
Randy has been with Alan Squire Publishing from the beginning, designing all of the press’s
logos and book covers. He has a unique gift for creating a compelling visual equivalent to the mood of any book, often employing his own art and photography in the process. Lately, he has taken up drone photography, obtaining his part 107 remote pilot’s license in compliance with the FAA. He lives in New Jersey with his wife and cats.